Transform your life with mindful intentions

Transform Your Life with Mindful Intentions are daily, thoughtful acts to map a life you truly enjoy. 
In this program, you will be guided through 14 intentions to experience and learn a simple practice. 
You will start to live less on autopilot, and become more conscious about setting intentions. The greater awareness you develop by living a more mindful life, the more focused you become to accomplish your goals. This will help you regain your focus and design your perfect life. 
Bonus: During this amazing program you will also receive a couple of FREE e-books & you will also learn how you can transform your life using essential oils. You will also receive an online beautiful 14 day journal that you can print out. You will have access to this amazing program through our app and you will also receive daily emails. 
It's such a great program as you will reminder and messages via your phone. You will also be part of a special Facebook group that has lots of tips and inspiration on how to become more mindful through powerful intention setting.

