Hi,  I'm Karin Hagberg

I have been in the health, wellness and fitness industry for over 25 years now.
At this point in time, I feel incredibly blessed to have persevered on my life's journey, as I am still spending my days doing what I love; working in the field I enjoy, with amazing fellow human beings and being able to create what I want. 

But the journey I have been on has not always been easy. For years, I felt like I was pushed to my limits, not just physically but also mentally and emotionally. I believed that I was really all alone in my struggles and felt quite isolated. The physical and emotional pain I experienced was at times overwhelming.
I really thought I was doing all I could to improve my situation. I had adopted a healthy lifestyle with healthy eating, exercise, meditation and more. I also spent a huge amount of time learning and having experiences. 
Even though I was living a healthy lifestyle, eating healthy food, exercising and doing meditation.  I was still lacking in energy and experienced pain. I also spent a huge amount of time and resources into courses, programs and products. Although this changed and improved my situation a lot, it was not until I learnt about me as an individual and my HealthType that I started making huge shifts.

As a result of learning and becoming aware of what suits my health type and accepting and loving myself , I started transforming in so many ways, both physically,  mentally and emotionally. 
I truly feel I have transformed my wellness, not just on a physical level but equally as much mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
I feel a sense of balance and I want the same for other people as well. It is a feeling of freedom.

To be honest, I am still incredibly grateful for the challenges I have had, because this has brought me to where I am now; where I get to inspire, motivate and support people - I help them transform their wellness.
I really feel I am living my mission. My programs combine the science of health with the skill of coaching to enable the client to discover where they want to be and why and then have the strategies and tools to aim for their dreams.

I am excited that you are here and I welcome you to join my group of empowered well-beings so that you too can also learn how to find freedom and ultimate wellness, just as I have through a combination of the science of health in combinations with realistic and sustainable change to feel amazing in life.
The knowledge and information being shared in our exclusive and loving community will empower you to transform your wellness. 

My Values

You are Important!
I care about you and want you to be confident and courageous to be you, to fully accept you and believe you are worth your true desire.

Becoming aware is important, that is where it all starts.

Accepting and taking responsibility for where we are and fully accepting - that is the start to any transformation.

Without action we get nowhere. I assist and hold you accountable on your journey. I am as committed as you are.

I am organised and I make sure that you have a plan.  You will achieve results and you are challenged to make sure you  achieve the goals you set. 
I assist you in what your priorities are and what is important to you.

Feeling a buzz, joy and excitement for life is the key - that is wellness!

Certifications and Experience

  • Sports Education Degree, Sweden (Idrottspedagog, Högskolan, Halmstad)
  • Dip. Remedial Massage
  • Certified in Advanced Raindrop and Vitaflex Technique
  • Certified Reiki Master Teacher, Usui Shiki Ryoho
  • Certificate in Bowen Connective Tissue
  • Certificate in Access The Bars
  • Certified in Neurostructural Integration Technique (NST)
  • Certificate IV Pilates, Australian Fitness Network
  • Matwork Pilates, Studio Pilates
  • Reformer Pilates, Studio Pilates
  • Certificate IV Personal Training 
  • Certified Master Master Practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Hypnotherapy & Time line Therapy with the Tad James Co.
  • Hypnosis Trainer with the Tad James Co.
  • Certified Aroma Freedom Technique Practitioner (AFT)
  • Certified Essential Oil Coach, The Essential Oil Institute
  • Wellness Coach Level 3, Wellness Coaching Australia
  • Lifestyle Food and Wellness Coach, Cadence Health
  • Epigenetics Health Coach
  • Certified Yoga Teacher, Byron Bay Yoga
  • Certified Yin Yoga Teacher
  • Certificate Restorative Yoga, Ohana Yoga
  • Certificate in Applied Crystal Healing
  • Certified Ho'oponopono Practitioner
  • Avatar Master with Star's Edge International
  • Level 1 Rowing Coaching, Rowing Australia
  • Member of IICT
  • Member with Massage & Myotherapy Association Australia
  • AusRep, Member with Fitness Australia
  • CPR and First Aid Qualified
  • Working with Children's Check
  • I am passionate about helping others
  • Represented Sweden in the Sport of Rowing - World Rowing Championships 1990
  • Mother and Grandmother (2 kids ages 28 and 25, and granddaughter who is 1)
  • Known as the "Viking Wellness Warrior"

Want to know more?
Schedule a FREE 30 min. Discovery / Clarity Call

Book your FREE 30 minute Discovery / Clarity Call where we will discuss your personal situation - your wishes, dreams, goals, your challenges/ barriers, why you want to improve or change your situation and how I can potentially help you move forward.

Blog Posts

How to Become the Best Version of YOU!

Are you ready to unlock the best version of YOU? It’s not about chasing perfection but stepping into your authentic power. Becoming your best self is a journey—one filled with growth, intention, and self-compassion. In this post, I’ll share 10 actionable steps to help you align your mind, body, and spirit so you can live a life of purpose, wellness, and fulfilment. Whether it’s embracing a growth mindset, building healthy habits, or stepping outside your comfort zone, every step you take brings you closer to your highest potential. Ready to take that first step? Let’s do it together!

"This Too Shall Pass: Overcoming Emotional Pain and Becoming Your Strongest Self"

Emotional pain can feel like an insurmountable mountain, but the truth is, like everything in life, this too shall pass. In this blog, we explore how emotional struggles can become opportunities for growth. Through mindset shifts, self-compassion, and actionable steps, you'll learn how to navigate the darkest moments and emerge stronger, more resilient, and aligned with your authentic self.

The Power of Passion: Why Following Your Heart Transforms Your Life

Have you ever noticed how some people seem to radiate energy, excitement, and fulfillment in everything they do? Chances are, those people are living their passions. But for many of us, the path to following our true calling feels daunting, uncertain, or even a little scary. Yet, pursuing your passion can be one of the most empowering and life-changing decisions you ever make.

So, why is it so important to follow your passion?

1. Passion Fuels Fulfilment and Joy

At the heart of it, passion is what makes life truly worth living. When you engage in something that lights you up, you experience a profound sense of fulfillment. You find joy not just in the outcomes, but in the journey itself. Passion connects you to your purpose, making every day feel more meaningful and vibrant.
Without passion, life can feel routine, even monotonous. You might find yourself constantly longing for the weekend or counting the hours until the end of the workday. But when you’re doing what you love, you wake up excited and energized. Your passion gives you a reason to jump out of bed in the morning with a spark in your heart.

2. Passion Drives Motivation and Perseverance

Pursuing your passion makes all the difference when life throws challenges your way. Passion acts like a compass, guiding you through uncertainty and difficulties. When you're passionate about something, you're willing to go the extra mile, invest more time, and persevere through obstacles because the rewards far outweigh the struggles.
Think about it: How many times have you given up on something you weren't really passionate about? Compare that to the things you’re truly dedicated to—those are the ones you’ve stuck with, despite the bumps in the road. Passion makes persistence easier because it aligns with who you are at your core.

3. Passion Fuels Growth and Creativity

Passion ignites creativity. It drives you to innovate, explore new ideas, and push boundaries. When you're passionate about something, you naturally become more curious and open to learning. Whether it's improving a skill or finding new ways to solve problems, passion makes personal growth an ongoing journey.
Not only does passion enhance your creativity, but it also expands your perspective on what's possible. You start to see opportunities where others see roadblocks, and you develop the confidence to take risks and experiment. Passion breathes life into your creative process, allowing you to find joy in the act of creation itself.

4. Passion Leads to Personal and Professional Success

Here’s something that many people don’t realize: When you follow your passion, you also unlock the doors to success. Passion leads to a deeper commitment, which in turn results in mastery. As you become more skilled and knowledgeable in your passion, you naturally start to excel. Success often follows not because you're chasing it, but because you're chasing what you love.
When you're passionate about what you do, people notice. Your enthusiasm, dedication, and genuine care stand out, whether it’s in business, a creative endeavor, or a personal project. It’s not just about being good at something—it’s about doing it with heart and purpose.

5. Passion Inspires Others and Creates a Ripple Effect

Following your passion doesn’t just impact you—it has a ripple effect that touches everyone around you. When you live authentically and pursue your dreams, you inspire others to do the same. Your story, your courage, and your determination can motivate someone else to step out of their comfort zone and follow their heart.
Think of the people who’ve inspired you. More often than not, it’s not their success that stands out, but their passion. They’re living examples of what’s possible when you listen to your inner voice and trust the journey.

6. Passion Transforms Your Well-being

Passion also has a powerful impact on your health and well-being. Doing what you love reduces stress, boosts your mental and emotional health, and gives you something to look forward to. It’s a form of self-care, a way to nurture your spirit. Passion-filled activities help you recharge and refocus, making you more resilient in the face of life’s challenges.
In a world filled with stress, pressure, and endless responsibilities, following your passion can serve as a grounding force. It allows you to reconnect with your true self and realign your life with your deepest values.

The Time to Act is Now
So, if there’s one thing I want you to take away from this, it’s this: Following your passion is not just a luxury; it’s essential to living a life that feels true, fulfilling, and aligned. Yes, the path might be uncertain, and fear might show up along the way—but that’s part of the adventure.
The question isn’t “What if I fail?” The real question is “What if I never try?”
Start today. Take one small step towards your passion, whether it’s dedicating more time to it, learning a new skill, or surrounding yourself with people who support your dreams. Remember, life is too short to live half-heartedly. Your passion is calling—don’t let fear hold you back.

Karin xx