
Coaching / Hypnotherapy

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Coaching & Hypnotherapy

As a certified NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) coach and hypnotherapist, trained by the prestigious Tad James Company, I specialize in helping individuals overcome mental and emotional barriers, creating transformative shifts in mindset and behaviour. NLP coaching allows me to guide clients through reprogramming thought patterns and behaviours that may be holding them back, empowering them to achieve personal and professional goals with greater clarity and focus.
With hypnotherapy, I assist clients in accessing their subconscious mind, where lasting change can be deeply rooted. This approach is especially effective for addressing habits, stress management, and enhancing overall well-being. As a Wellness, Lifestyle, and essential oil coach, I offer a holistic approach to health, integrating mind, body, and emotional wellness to foster balance and vitality.

As a ph360 personalised health coach, I help clients understand their unique biological makeup and guide them in making choices that align with their natural rhythms, ensuring they thrive in all areas of their lives. My coaching is focused on empowering individuals to achieve wellness, unlock their potential, and create abundant, purposeful lives.

Would You like to be the best You can be?
Would you like to become an “aspiring” empowered Being”?
Sometimes it can be difficult to make positive changes and to adopt healthier behaviours. It can be challenging to develop new habits and to maintain them. Life sometime can have a habit of getting in the way, we may run out of energy/time/money/motivation. 
I am sure You have felt this at some point in your life. Perhaps you’ve set goals in the past and lost motivation – or maybe you’re just not sure where to start.
As a lifestyle and wellness coach I assist you in working out exactly what it is you want and why you want it (your “wellness vision”) and then we create a realistic, achievable action plan for how to get there (your goals). Not just a Vision – an inspiring one for You!
As your coach I support, encourage and help keep you accountable and inspired every step of the way.
So what can Coaching with me offer You?
  • it assists You in developing more life balance.
  • it assists You to set positive lifestyle goals
  • It will offer You support and encouragement along your journey to a healthier, happier, empowered You!
  • work with you to identify what you really want & need to make your life happier and healthier
  • it will help you to find ways to break negative, habitual behaviours
  • I will encourage and support You along your individual journey to a healthier, happier you
  • I will offer motivational tools and personalised support to help you overcome obstacles you may face along your unique path to better health and wellness
  • I provide you with accountability (an important component to lasting change)
What are some of the things I can assist you with?
  • Create life balance (work/family/relaxation)
  • Create less stress
  • Becoming clear of what you want
  • Achieving results in what you choose to focus on
  • To gain healthy ideal weight (I also offer a Hypnotherapy for Ideal weight)
  • Develop healthier more conscious eating habits
  • Increase your energy
  • Getting fit or commencing a fitness program
  • Improved overall health
  • Identifying and eliminating obstacles and negative behaviours
  • Stop Smoking (we have a unique Coaching and Hypnotherapy program)
  • Creating an inspiring Vision and powerful goals in life (career, personal, health etc.)
  • Increased Self confidence
  • Improve Relationship and communication issues
  • Coaching will support you in creating and living your dream life and achieve your goals so You can live an extraordinary Life! 
We work through your challenges together and celebrate your achievements so you’re always taking small, positive steps towards your vision and goals.
Coaching puts YOU in charge of your health and wellbeing, so you gain the confidence to make lasting changes.
Wellness coaching is fun and it works! You will become empowered to be the best you can be by creating the healthy habits you want, in your timeframe.
Are you ready for coaching?
You’re excited about how greater wellness will enhance your life
You’re willing to take responsibility to make and sustain changes in at least one area of your wellbeing
You’re committed to investing the time (usually at least three months), money and energy to work on improving your health and wellness
If you answered YES! I’d love to work with you.
Still not 100% sure coaching is for you (or that I’m the right coach to work with)? Book in for a FREE 15 minutes Consultation to discuss.
What wellness & lifestyle coaching isn’t
Coaching doesn’t diagnose or treat illnesses (this should be done by a qualified health professional). As a coach I don’t tell you what to do or make decisions for you – but I will help guide, inspire, motivate and empower you to feel confident to take charge of your own wellbeing. If you need assistance from other practitioners  – we will refer you to.
What is the difference in between Coaching and Counselling?
Coaching is not counselling or therapy. Coaching does not focus on the past or on the past’s impact on the present. Coaching is not psychotherapy and emotional healing is not the focus of coaching.
Coaching is designed to help clients improve their learning and performance, and enhance their quality of life. Coaching concentrates primarily on the present and future.
A Wellness Coach works out what their client wants and why they want it and what’s stopping them from going after it then creates a plan to implement and take action to change your life.
Some of the things you may be asking yourself:
– Who is the important me? What are my dreams and goals?
– What do I value?
– Where am I right now?
– Where do I want to be?
– What needs to change?
– What makes me happy?
– What do I love?
– What do I want my life to look like?
– What are my visions and goals and what do I need to do to achieve this?
– What’s stopping me?
Ask Yourself – If you were given an unlimited amount of money and could do or be anything what would you be doing?
– What do you need to start to think & believe?
– What is stopping you from becoming what you want to be? What is blocking you?
– How would your dream life look like?
– What do you need to admit or acknowledge to yourself?
– Who is stopping you from being everything that you could be?
– What changes do you need to make today to make your life fantastic?
Life Coaching

Would you like to ……
–  Be confident and calm and eliminate anxieties
– Create your dream life? Create your goals and create an exciting future which is congruent to your goals
– Dissolve barriers that have kept you from achieving your dreams and goals?
– Improve communication in all your relationships with family, friends, significant others?
– Get rid of negative emotions such as anger, sadness, shame, grief, or guilt that holds you back?
– Increase motivation and energy?
– Learn healthy eating habits and keep them? Perhaps lose weight?
– Improve relationships, self-esteem, health, athletic performance, relaxation or sleep?
– Recover from codependency, addictions, compulsions such as smoking, food, gambling etc.?
– Release stress, tension, anxiety, headaches, migraines?
– Stop smoking?
– Stop negative negative self-talk?
You would wouldn’t you? Then NLP Coaching is perfect for you….
NLP is a model of how the mind works – the mind – not the brain. NLP practitioners understands how the mind works and so we can help people like YOU to help deep, significant changes fairly rapidly.
NLP consists of powerful tools for helping you change the patterns of thinking and behaving.
NLP coaching sessions are interactive and we work with you to create the desired results you are after to achieve. NLP is a holistic and solution-focused technique.
By purposefully “moving things around” inside your head, we can dramatically, quickly – and often permanently – change your experience of them for the better. We gently change the way you think, leading you from where you are to where you want to go. NLP is moving from the present towards the future in contrast to many therapeutic practices that focus on the past.
Many of the techniques being used in the sessions involve forms of visualisation or light trance work. Many times we include Time Line Therapy®.
Karin Hagberg is a certified NLP Master Practitioner/Coach and also holds certifications in Time Line Therapy® and Hypnotherapy, AromaFreedom Technique, Lifestyle, food and wellness Coaching