This is so exciting! You have an opportunity to come along to Bright's first Curcumin event! I am sure you have heard of the incredible of Curcumin - the active ingredient in Turmeric - that is known for it's amazing anti inflammatory properties.
This product is up to 277 times the bioavailability than any other Turmeric on the market. This is exciting!!
We WELCOME YOU to a friendly, social and informative evening where you will learn about the Golden Drops that are transforming people's lives in so many ways.
Do you or anyone you know have any pain (joint, arthritis etc), inflammation (autoimmune or any dis-ease)? We all know that inflammation causes havoc in the body and by reducing the levels - one can start to feel Amazing!
During this evening you will learn the common causes to inflammation and what we can do to lower the levels. You will learn about crurumin and it's benefits and the new revolutionary new curcumin product - the Golden Drops.
You will hear amazing Testimonials as this product is changing people's life and wellness.
You will also learn how you can create abundance not just abundant wellness, but also in personal growth and wealth.
Bright Community Centre, 1 Railway Avenue, Bright
Karin Hagberg - Wellness/Life Coach, Personal Trainer/Pilates instructor, Remedial Masseur and Healer
Karin Hagberg - Wellness/Life Coach, Personal Trainer/Pilates instructor, Remedial Masseur and Healer
Facebook Event Link
This event is FREE! Come along and tell your friends about it and bring them alond. Please just register below to go into the draw of winning a FREE gift.