I feel so blessed to live in a very special part of the world and today I had a good reminder of this as I spent part of the day on the beach and in the bush.
I live in Torquay which is on the Surfcoast in Victoria - about 95 km south of Melbourne. I drove towards Lorne today on the Great Ocean Road and stopped a little past Lorne near the St George River.
I found a walking track which to my surprise I had not explored before. It was so beautiful!
I just felt instantly connected and relaxed. The further in on the path I was, the further away I found myself from the outside world and the stress and worries melted away.

The nature and the trees speak to me. We are dependent on each other. The love is there, so deep. It makes we ask myself "who am I", "what role do I play in this todays world" and then the overwhelming feeling of peace washes over me. A humble feeling of "just be", "just be you".
I feel so much love for this paradise we live in and this place we put under so much pressure. Mother Earth sure is showing us that things gotta change at the moment. I feel that the humans are part of this gigantic flora which are made of "good" and "bad" bacteria. At the moment there is too much of the "bad" and Mother Earth is feeling it and showing us.
I had the urge of just embracing this tree and feel the love and connection. It's an amazing feeling! I believe it can restore our health and reduce inflammation - as much as walking barefoot on the earth can.

Some of the trees are hollow, but it does not mean there is life.

Amazing mushrooms and flower.

I started feeling more and more alive.

After visiting that amazing bush I walked towards the beach which was just a km away.
The most stunning beach! On the highest point of the busy area is Teddy's Look out.

The water was refreshingly cold as it is down here on the Surfcoast, but the water is probably the clearest you find in the world. The colour is my favourite; blue, aqua and white.
This is definitely one of my favourite spots on the Surfcoast.
My heart is filled again with gratitude and love.
Remember to connect with nature. Remember to take care of Mother Earth.
Much Love, Karin xx