My heart is singing right now. I went to Mount Buffalo this morning to see if there was any snow and to spend a little time in nature. Mount Buffalo is only 30 km from where I live at the moment.
I was greeted by the most beautiful scenery. I was all of a sudden in winter wonderland!
My heart is feeling full. I have always felt at home in the heart of nature. I remember thinking when I was younger that I could never have a job where I would spend inside. So my whole life I have created my life around having time to spend in nature. Nature fills my heart up with gratitude, it creates a sense of peace within and my body loves it too.
I captured some photos and videos and I put together the below clip. It will give you an idea of how amazing my morning was. I hope you enjoy it.
Karin x
Here are some photos too:

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On May the 26th 2023 I did my first VLOG - Video Log.
Since starting my "Great Wellness Reset" 2022 - about a year ago, I have had so many people contacting me saying how much they liked following my journey on Facebook and said they would like me to share more.
I have always felt a little "shy" when it comes to sharing more personal stuff, but I decided that if I don't start sharing now, when will I.

In the first video I am just sharing a little bit of my paradise here in Porepunkah, in the Alpine Region of Victoria.
We are just a few days of winter now, and the colours are changing as the leaves are falling of the trees.
I have loved the colours of the autumn here in Bright. The colours are incredible.
I do hope you enjoy watching my little paradise VLOG. Please make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel, turn on the notifications and like the video. I will be my adventures and wisdom with you.
I look forward to hearing your comments.
Karin x

I have since been house sitting in a few different spots. I started up in Queensland and after that I've been in a few places in NSW. I am currently in Springwood, in the Blue Mountains, NSW. A week ago I took the train from here into Sydney to attend a foraging workshop in the heart of Sydney.

Diego Bonetto, Foraging Workshop, Sydney
This workshop was run by Diego Bonetto. Diego is an edible weeds avocate based in Sydney. Diego grew up on a farm in Italy and that is where he acquired his knowledge. Diego introduced us to some edible species that we could find in the heart of Sydney. Many weeds have medicinal properties. Isn't that incredible. We have nature's gifts all around us.

Some of the weeds he showed us was Dandelion, Cobbler's pegs, Chickweed, Fat hen, Flatweed, Mallow, Nettle, Sowthistle and more.
Diego was full of knowledge and passion and I thoroughly enjoyed the day.
It was so interesting and I also realised that I had a lot of knowledge and wisdom.
I grew up on a farm in Sweden and from young age I was interesting in plants and gardening and I also used to work as a florist in my late teens. I used to dry herbs and flowers and make lotions and potions. Hence why I am so drawn towards Essential Oils. It's in nature I feel the best.
You can check out Diego on his YouTube channel where there are lots of interesting videos to learn from.

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This morning on my walk I was reflecting on "what is temporary". These reflections came about as I am about to leave the home I have had the last 3 weeks. I have been house sitting in Blacksmiths Beach in NSW, Australia. It's a beautiful part of Australia and the place I stayed at was right at the beach. I had to look after the owners rescue dog Lucy. As I walked Lucy this morning I thought, everything comes to its end eventually. There's been many goodbyes in my life. It has not been easy always. Eventually life will come to it's end too. Our time here on earth is so brief really. When we are younger we think we have all the time in the world, once you grow more mature and wiser you realise how precious this time here is. It's so precious. 

At the moment I feel like I am in a time capsule, time is "different" to what it used to be. There's been a shift somehow. Sometimes it feels like I am time travelling. The present moment is the only moment that gives me comfort right now.
Do you ever ask yourself "what is temporary"? If you do, and receive your answer.....live your life from the perspective of it.
So here I am walking Lucy for the last time. I feel blessed to have had the experience to meet her and to have had the experience here. Now I am off to the Blue Mountains. I feel a sense of excitement and I also feel and sense the rest of october will be an energetically intense month. There is more work to be done, internal work that is.
Life is about learning, growing and letting go.
I leave you with the quote below.
the travelling "Awake Wellness Warrioress"

It's time for the Great Wellness Reset - the journey to the unknown. My journey of self discovery, self love, reset and wellness. Come and join me!

There are times when we can benefit from stepping away and to reset. That is what I am doing now and I welcome you to join me.
I came to a point where my intuition was speaking louder to me than it has ever done. That deep inner voice told me to go, to spend time with me so I could get more clarity, give myself more time to rest and relax and to heal.
It's the ultimate Surrender for me know. I believe that that is when the magic begins. It takes guts and courage and a little craziness. I have decided to just trust the process.

My journey started at the Surfcoast on the 25th of April and since then I have been travelling up the East Coast of Australia. My first stop was in Emerald where Puffing Billy is and then I went to Lakes Entrance which was my first stop. It was a lovely evening as I arrived there.

Then I travelled towards Woy Woy where I had a rest and the day after that I travelled up towards Catherine Hill Bay and on the way I stopped and explored some incredible places such as Eden, Batemans Bay and more. It's an incredible coast line - the beaches, the bush is amazing!
I love having regular stops in my "Awaken Warrior Wellness" Van looking out over amazing oceans such as the one below. This is FREEDOM to me and that is important to have.

I had a wonderful time connecting with some beautiful people in Catherine Hill Bay. I did some beautiful beach walks, ate some healthy food. I made a beautiful Crystal necklace and I relaxed a lot. I even taught the online Pilates class in my friends house.
After that I continued up towards Hastings Points and right now I have just come back from a lovely beach walk and am sitting in my van writing this. The evening will be blissfully silent and relaxed.

Until next time...surrender.