4 tips on how to get glowing and beautiful skin with essential oils

Essential Oils are so much more than pretty smells that you diffuse, or that you clean with. They are also magic for the skin.
Staying away from toxic chemicals and fragrances are important as the skin is the body’s largest organ and it absorbs what you put on it.
Making sure that you choose pure, and plant based essential oils is important. My choice of essential oil brand is Young Living as they have just that; pure and plant-based essential oils.
Here are some of my favourite essential oils for the skin and how I use them
I use Frankincense to moisturise my face. I have and spend lots of time in the sun and Frankincense is magic for this. I put a little bit of Frankincense in my natural moisturiser – it’s also so easy to make one yourself. Just because a product is costly, does not mean it’s better than something much more affordable. Even just using a little bit of jojoba or Coconut oil with Frankincense does miracles.
Some of the favourite ways for me to use Lavender is to add it to a cleanser as it helps with reducing appearance of blemishes and it opens the pores. It also gives me that fresh morning boost.
Adding Lavender to a hot bath is my favourite way to relax.
This is one of my favourite smells. I absolutely love it. I love making and using Facial Serums  and it’s so easy to make. I just blend three tablespoons of jojoba oil and 10 drops of Geranium essential oil. This naturally fights  dry, dull skin and it helps me feel and looking youthful.
Tea Tree
Facial steaming is incredible. Yes it may take a little longer time, so perhaps you want to do it on the weekend. I recommend that you heat four cups and pour it in a bowl with six drops of Tea Tree. Tea tree is soothing for the skin, and it opens up the pores. I find the skin becomes radiant, smoother and younger-looking.


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