It was 4 years ago I started Torquay's first Body, Mind and Spirit Wellbeing Centre/Shop in Torquay - Aspire Wellbeing.
It's been an amazing journey!
I'd like to firstly give a big thanks to you who have followed and supported me during these years.

Another empty shop in Torquay as Aspire Wellbeing's Soul lives on - in different shape and form.

Here is the new beautiful Coaching & Treatments room and film studio
for all the upcoming classes, courses and programs.
It has been a fun journey but also a "full-on" one. Huge learnings, challenges and growth, loads of connections with wonderful people and a massive amount of treatments, workshops, classes, courses and retreats. I could possible not keep count on all the things that has taken place there. During this time I have also furthered my own skills with various courses and personal development.
Aspire Wellbeing in Torquay was a dream of mine and was on my vision board years earlier. It was a project that was on my "bucket list" and it's now been ticked off.
The last few months have been month's of Transformation, adaption and growth. It's very much been a personal growth journey - an inwards journey. My soul told me right from the start of this "situation" we are in, that it was time to go inwards. I actually made a video of this back in March. But it was month's before March I knew something was coming - just did not know what it was. Well, now we know...
I have realised that Freedom is my highest value and has always been. I have always been a critical thinker, an action taker and a light warrior. I sure have had to utilise those skills now and I have had to "free" myself from many things, not just the Aspire Wellbeing as it's been the last 4 years.
My commitment to myself is to live a balanced life and a life with passion - where I get to have a soulful purpose. I have realised that it's time for change, for growth, for expansion and it's time to serve in a bigger and better way.
I purchased this Wolkswagen Van a little while ago. I have always wanted one. Now it's mine...until I manifest the larger one. One that I can fit all my essential oils, crystals and the people I love in it. 😁😂👍
This van is now in my office and represents Balance and Freedom to me. It's the van that will take me to my dream places and get me to experience life the way I choose to.
I'm ready to hop in the driver's seat. Are you ready to come with me? Are you ready to create balance in all the 7 key areas of your life so you can have an aspiring OOLA life as well...
Let the journey new and better, transformational ways.
Love and Light,
Karin xx
"The Viking Light Warrior"