This morning I decided to make a green celery juice. So I went out in the garden and picked some beautiful celery. It's so amazing to be able to pick fresh stuff right outside the window, in the little garden we have turned into a vegetable and herb paradise. We have so many goodies in the garden at the moment. We have had just perfect weather for growing vegetables this spring and summer in Victoria, Australia.
I then checked out what else I had and I found some organic spinach in the fridge, some coconut water and I found one lime in the fruit bowl.
So this is what I ended up putting in the juicer:
Celery, spinach, lime, green golden delicious apples, 2 drops of lime essential oils from Young Living and a splash of coconut water.
It was absolutely beautiful! So, now it will be green celery juice, with little variations, for the next week. Tomorrow I might try putting some fresh ginger in its as I love this and I bought it the other day.
Don't ask me me how much I put in of each. I am an "intuitive" chef and I never or very rarely tend to measure anything. 😂🤩
I suggest, just trust your gut instinct!
To check out the 4-week amazing vegetarian recipe pack>>>>> CLICK HERE
Happy Juicing!
Karin xx