The power of Equinox

The power of Equinox

The last couple of days has been intense for me and no doubt for many of you as well. The light coming into Earth is speeding up everything for me. There are huge realisations, shifts and transformational moments. It sure feels like I am beginning to transform to a New Me.

The Equinox is powerful and occurs twice a year as the Sun crosses the celestial equator. It's when the day and night are approximately of equal length.

This time is a time of inner renewal and rebirth. It's the time we release blocks in our subconscious mind.
Last night was intense with dreams and the morning was emotionally charged. Today was a huge day from start to end but I "made it" to the end and I am now sitting in stillness with some candles reflecting of the intensity of this day. Extraordinary amount of light is flooding our planning right now. This means we are literally shedding the density of the past and rebirthing our light bodies. It's an incredible time to be alive.

So much happened in one day. I also interviewed an amazing lady - Marion OMace. Marion is a leading international teacher with over 30 years experience in the mind, body and spirit technologies and inner time as a practitioner she started observing matrices and number codes which lead to a burning desire to understand what these meant. 

Marion is a leading international teacher with over 30 years experience in mind, body, and spirit technologies and in her time as a practitioner she started observing matrices and number codes which led to a burning desire to understand what these meant. The title of the Podcast was "The missing keys are your power keys".

You can listen to the podcast here   Podcast interview with marion
You can watch the Podcast on Youtube here. Podcast interview on Youtube

Let me know what you experienced during the Equinox and what you got out of litesning to the podcast.

Karin xx

Tips on how to manifest quickly

Tips on how to manifest quickly
It used to take me a long time to manifest, but that seem to have changed lately. I am now manifesting so much faster. Do you find the same? Did you know that Universe likes to do things fast?
I am starting to wonder if it's even possible to manifest instantly? What are your thoughts on this?

I believe it's possible to manifest instantly or close to anyway. The thing that keeps us from doing this is your fear and limiting beliefs. Imagine if you could let go of your limiting beliefs and thoughts that does not serve you so you had no resistance. Then we could manifest extremely quickly. So today I thought I'll share you a few things that are going to help you manifest quicker.

Tips for manifesting quicker

- Write down what it is you want to manifest. It's important to get the thought out of your head and on paper. This will bring it to life and start the process of manifesting. You then need to read this at least 3 times a day - morning, noon and dinner. I also suggest you reflect on them as you are about to go to sleep, so that your subconscious mind can start working on it.

- Believe it's already here. This is so important., If you don't believe it, that you are worthy of it and that you can have what you want - then you won't manifest it. If you want to manifest quickly then you must suspend your limiting beliefs and change them to ones of confidence.

- Calm your mind. You must clear your mind in order to be able to focus on what you want and to make it your reality. Thinking about a whole lot of other things that has nothing to do with what you want to manifest is not going to help you manifest what you want. A great way to calm your mind is to do deep breathing.

- Act as it's already yours. This creates the vibration of what it is your want to manifest. We must match the vibration of what we want to manifest. I like to close my eyes and tune into the feeling of what it is I want to manifest. I see it, feel it, hear it and so on.  Did you know that everything we experience in this life is based on feeling. 
- You have a choice. Remember that it is your choice to feel what it is you want to feel. Act as you already have what it is you want by tuning in to the feeling and remember that you choose that feeling now, that feeling of already having it. Start to feel good in everything you do. It's about choosing your feelings.

- Get rid of limiting beliefs and fear. This is one of the most important thing when it comes to manifesting! 
You can be, do, or have anything! The only thing keeping you from that is your thinking that you can’t.  You fear that you can’t achieve it and you’re going to fail.  You don’t want to fail because you hate the feeling of failing. Failing produces a negative feeling. So really the only thing you are scared of is a negative feeling. The thing is, that negative feeling can't hurt you.

“When you no longer split your flow of Energy with contradictory thoughts, you will know your power.”  - Abraham Hicks

- Raise your vibrations When you are in this low vibrational state you are going to attract more low vibrational thoughts.  This won't help you manifest quickly!  You need to move up your vibrational spiral and begin to think thoughts that are in a higher vibrational state such as happiness and joy!  
You can join me for my 30 ways to FREE Raise Your Frequency here >>Raise Your Frequency

- Start meditating & Be in a state of Gratitude 
Meditation will calm the mind and reset your thoughts. Be grateful for the incredible things you have already is the key.  
- Learn to let go of resistance 
The only reason the things you want are not coming into your life is because you are resisting them in some way.  Instead surrender and let go. Obsessing over something won't bring the things into life that we won't. The key is to instead to simply relax and allow it to come without resistance. Be confident and trust that the Universe is on your side and is going to deliver the very thing you wish to manifest. It's about detaching yourself from the outcome of what you want. Instead be happy and grateful for what you have in life. 

I'd love to hear your experience with manifesting quickly. 
Please comment below.
Karin x 

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day

I’d like to wish you a Happy Valentine’s Day!

I had no idea it was Valentine’s Day until I received a message from a friend this morning.

Have you got a special Valentine? That special soulmate? 

I speak to many women and that’s what many express they long for - for a deep connection of love, understanding and closeness. But here’s the thing, we gotta love ourselves, become acutely aware of oneself (know oneself) and have addressed the wounds from the past. We have to then be open and on the frequency of what we want to attract. It’s a delicate act, it’s a beautiful gift when it happens. 

The woman you see in this photo is loved, deeply loved and appreciated. Not by someone else, but by the woman again you look at. 
I’ve come to a place in life where I truly love myself. I am grateful for my past experiences and I’m thankful for my learnings. 
The learnings have been steep and difficult and there has been many times I’ve thought, this is it.....I can’t do it anymore. I can’t allow myself to fall again, to open myself to be vulnerable, to receive love, to experience fully. But my inner voice, my spirit has always nudged me and said “you are worth it” and it will all happen when you totally surrender. 
There is no rush. I’m loving getting to know me more everyday. 

But I know this time now is just a transition, I love giving, I am nurturing and I love joy, connection and creativity, to build something extraordinarily beautiful. 

The past is the past, I am the beautiful soul and being because of it. I’m excited about the future but more so happy and peaceful in this moment. 

The unity and connection when two souls come together that were meant to be together comes together is time altering. Everything stops, the senses are highlighted. There’s a sense of peace and homecoming. 
All in good time. I feel it, see it and hear it all. Wow! Amazing. 
I for now sit in the space of love for myself, for the woman I am, have become and will be. It’s a nice place to be this Valentine’s Day in paradise. 

Know that you are never alone. 


Post your thoughts in comments. Sharing is Caring!

Much Love 
Karin xx

Do what makes your heart sing

Do what makes your heart sing
The new year has begun. Let’s welcome 2023 in and set the intention that it will be a peaceful year. Peace starts within, so let’s decide now to start with ourselves – to promise ourselves to follow our heart and to do things that make our heart sing.
I started my New Year in my happy place – in and on the water. New Years day was a day to remember. The weather was magic. You know, one of those days that does not come along to often.
I started with a swim in the ocean and after that I used my Christmas present to myself – a blow up Stand-Up Paddle Board. I just absolutely loved it!
I had a chance to explore the ocean from above. The water was so clear so it was wonderful to watch the bottom of the ocean.
It was so beautifully relaxing. It just made my heart sing. I was filled with gratitude.
Can you make a promise to yourself to do what makes your heart sing 2023?
It just make life so much more rewarding, fun and peaceful.


A salutation of light in the darkest of nights

A salutation of light in the darkest of nights
Yesterday was the longest night - the darkest night-  of the year in the country I am born. It's so different to the country I am in now - Australia, where you never get to experience that kind of darkness.
But there is also light with having darkness. It's a time when you light candles, bake and do crafty things and connect. You also have way more time to self reflect as there is stillness. 

On the 13th of December Swedes have a tradition called Lucia. I used to sing in choirs in churches and that time of year was a big deal. Celebrations used to also take place in schools and other places.. I used to love this time of year, a time of year with lots of candles and lots of singing.

So on the 13th of December Swedish people organise a candle lit procession that is called Lucia. 
The lights become dimmed in the room and the procession takes place. Lucia wears light in her her and a long white gown with a red ribbon around her waist and the girls and boys after Lucia wears long white gowns and holds a candle in their hands. The boys are called star boys and wear a paper cone hat with stars and carry starts on sticks. There may even be Christmas elves and Gingerbread men in the procession. LOL

The procession starts singing before they enter the dimmed room where people are waiting to see them. It's really quite magical. Like any other tradition is comes from somewhere. The Lucia tradition can be traced back both to the martyr St Lucia of Syracuse which died in 304 and also to the Swedish legend of Lucia as Adam's first wife. It is said the she consorted with the Devil and that her children were invisible infernals. The name may be associated with both (light) and Lucifer (Satan) and it's origins are difficult to determine. I choose to to focus on the light - that the light shines towards the darkness and transmutes it. So there you go, there is something behind every tradition. 

I will share with you a beautiful video. Enjoy watching this one. It's so special to me.

And remember, anytime we have dark times - focus on the light and keep spreading that. The light can transmute the darkness.
Without darkness we cannot have light and without light we cannot have darkness.

Wherever you are in the world - keep shining - that is the most important thing.

Karin xx

Here is also a video of how the procession is in the churches - this is what I have been part of many times.

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